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Please complete all the questions to save score.
Please complete all the questions to save score.
Listen for the missing word, and type the answer in the blank.
You will have three attempts at each word, and any words you miss will be repeated in round 2.
Words are chosen randomly, so you may play the game many times.

Listen for the missing word, and choose the correct answer.
Any words you miss will be repeated in round 2.
Words are chosen randomly, so you may play the game many times.

Scoring Rules
Correct answers are awarded a base of 10 points.
2 points are deducted for each incorrect attempt.
1 point is deducted for using "slow" play.
Scoring Rules
Correct answers are awarded 2 points in the first round, and 1 point in the second round.
Keep playing until you earn points.
Words are chosen randomly, so you may play the game many times.
Placeholder: You are right/wrong
Game Over - Points Won!
Question | Round 1 | Round 2 | Points | |
1. | sample | såmple | sample | 8 pts |
what would you like to do?


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