Translate back to the original English spoken in the video.
Recall is unavailable in landscape mode. Please turn to portrait mode to play Recall. Thank you!
Past Due
Get at least
Accuracy too low
Mistakes Made
First Mistake in Each Word
Capitalization Mistakes
Accent Mistakes
Hints Used
Accent Hints Used
Capitalization Hints Used
Slow Play Used
Translation Visible
Delayed Response
Video/Audio Play
Inserted Out of Order

Margaux et Manon
Magasin de chaussures
Margaux et Manon - Magasin de chaussures

Margaux et Manon
Magasin de chaussures
- Set 1
Attempt | Accuracy | Score |
Using hints
Had mistakes
Required replays
Delayed response
Using slow play
Using translation
Sorry, our response data doesn't go that far back. Our bad.
ERROR: No attempt exists
Penalty type | Penalty | # of times | Challenge |
Total Challenge | |||
Normalized |
Word Level Accuracy Data
Margaux et Manon
Magasin de chaussures
Caption |

Send us Feedback!
We'd love to hear your thoughts on our patented Recall game! Please let us know what's on your mind.
How to Play Recall
Patent No.: US 10796594B1
- Using translation, type in the original English caption from the video.
- Easier if you have previously watched the video.
- You must enter everything correctly before moving on
- You will get feedback as you type:
- ____
- an unattempted word
- green
- a correct letter
- orange
- an accent is missing or incorrect
- purple
- incorrect capitalization
- red
- an incorrect letter
- __ or __
- missing letters
For help with any unattempted word or incorrect letter, click on it
- Type Enter/Return to continue to next section when you see the CAPTION REPORT after you have completed typing the caption.
- If your are stuck, the grey arrow button will completely finish the translation for you automatically.
- Reveal Translation After Completion
- Sound Effects
- Auto Correct Accent
- Color For Wrong Accent
About Yabla Scribe
Dictation is a valuable language learning device that has been used for centuries. Although linguists have not completely understood how it facilitates language acquisition--it would be extremely difficult to isolate the language competencies that are employed--many have attested to its pedagogical value. One of the 20th century's most influential linguists, Leonard Bloomfield (1942), strongly endorsed the use of dictation as a learning device. Today, many methodologists are at least inclined to agree with Finocchiaro's (1969) summary of its value: "[Dictation] ensures attentive listening; it trains pupils to distinguish sounds; it helps fix concepts of punctuation; it enables pupils to learn to transfer oral sounds to written symbols; it helps to develop aural comprehension; and it assists in self-evaluation."
Welcome to Yabla Scribe.
We look forward to your feedback!


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